Time Stamped! Sleeping Dogs gameplay & walkthrough Mrs. Chu
By goukijones —
July 24, 2012
As I watched this video for the first time, I took some notes. I time stamped them. It's Sleeping Dogs, it's Square Enix. It's the end. :(
0:42 You might need to read to play this game. Unless you speak Chinese.
0:52 Cellphone time! The most annoying part of GTA IV.
1:03 Send Johnny Rat Face thru.
1:18 Way to show off your new game by getting into the car on the passenger's side. :| So far this looks exactly like GTA IV, but worse.
2:23 WTF, cellphone minigames? I hate cellphones. I don't want to play a game, playing a game on a hand held. Fuck!
2:40 Everybody is driving on the wrong side of the street.
2:58 Cut scene
3:10 Jumps you into a combat scene.
3:35 The studio worked with some MMA Jimmy you've never heard of to make the combat as authentic as possible. Using the environment around you looks really, but overall the combat is a Batman (Arkham series) clone.
4:15 So the knife just breaks?
4:27 The shooting looks cool.
4:56 Jimmys is getting blasted!
5:35 The shooting looks like the best part so far. Now getting on a motorcycle. :(
5:38 He puts on a helmet. lol.
5:54 This is what we saw at E3. Shooting out the tire causes the car to flip into the air. Perfectly normal right?
6:04 Another car goes flying!
6:13 Now for a motorcycle. lol.
6:20 Double!
6:57 Car swapping in real time is pretty sweet.
Not that excited for this one? Has Square Enix taken on more games than they can handle? I don't know anymore. So many of my favorite video game companies have been struglling with making new games.
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Release Date:
Aug 14, 2012