You know I be crafting. Leveling Carpenter Level 21-23. HQ Walnut Log Boost.

By goukijones — September 16, 2013
Tags: a-realm-reborn blog gouki-linkshell guide how-to strategy

I'm taking all crafts to level 50 as fast as possible. Here's some early tips for a young carpenter.

The crafting is super easy in FFXIV. I still haven't even had to look/buy any crystals. I imagine time for that is just around the corner. As of today tho ... I have ALL crafts over level 24. GSM 29. CUL 27. WVR 25. I have over $175,000 gil. At least $100k on the Market Boards. Yeah I'm gonna be rich boiiiii. Wanna see how I made a quick couple of grand with Walnut Logs while leveling up my Carpenter.

Check out my story on Goldsmith Leveling Guide for a more detailed look at my strategy. 

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