Marvel VS Capcom 3 Special Edition Ultra Combo Giveaway

By goukijones — December 2, 2010
Tags: blog capcom fighting-game fightstick freeish giveaway marvel-vs-capcom-3 news ps3 xbox-360

WIN: Marvel VS Capcom 3, A FightStick and a t-shirt. 2 games to win. Just leave a comment on this story to enter. Many will enter, 2 will win. Don't be a Jimmy! Enter now.

Marvel VS Capcom 3 Special Edition & FightStick Ultra Combo Giveaway

Second Prize

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (system choice) - The game will be shipped to you on the release day! You will get it February 15, 2011.

Marvel VS Capcom 3

Second Prize Qualifications - Drawing on February 12, 2011

  1. You must be a registered user on with a valid email address.
  2. You must have added either your Xbox 360 Gamertag or PSN ID to your profile.
  3. Log in and leave a comment on this story.

If you meet the qualifications for either giveaway and would like the chance to have more tickets in the final drawing you can:

  1. Upload an Avatar at and it must appear in your profile.
  2. Twitter this exact phrase  - I entered's #MvC3 Special Edition & #FightStick Ultra Combo #giveaway. RT & Follow @goukijones 4 info. - Go to
  3. Visit our Facebook page, like and leave a comment. (Must be video game related) on Facebook.

Grand Prize

Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Special Edition (system choice) The game will be shipped to you on the release day! You will get it February 15, 2011.

Marvel VS Capcom 3 giveaway

MadCatz Marvel Vs Capcom 3 FightStick (system choice) *No official word on this FightStick **Choose another FightStick if you like of equal or lesser value.

A t-shirt of your choice.

Grand Prize Qualifications - Drawing on February 12, 2011

  1. You must be a registered user on with a valid email address.
  2. You must have added either your Xbox 360 Gamertag or PSN ID to your profile.
  3. Log in and leave a comment on this story.
  4. Earn 1 million points or more on before Saturday, February 12, 2011.
  5. Write a story on and earn the "Writer - Bronze" Badge for your profile. [How to write a story FAQ] (Story must be approved by the editors.)

If you meet the qualifications for either giveaway and would like the chance to have more tickets in the final drawing you can:

  1. Upload an Avatar at and it must appear in your profile.
  2. Twitter this exact phrase - I entered's #MvC3 Special Edition & #FightStick Ultra Combo #giveaway. RT & Follow @goukijones 4 info. - Go to
  3. Visit our Facebook page, like and leave a comment. (Must be video game related) on Facebook.


Don't worry it's easy. You got 100k just for signing up. After you complete you write a story to qualify for the Grand Prize you will already have 140k. If you were referred by another user you will have 240k. For each friend you recommend to you and your friend will also get 100k each. Write more stories, vote, leave comments and rate our video game catalog and you'll be up to a million points in no time. 

Write an excellent story, get featured by an editor and unlock Jimmy's Seal of Approval - Worth 1 million points.

See the entire list of Points and Achievements.

Use this link to sign up for right now and get a bonus 100k!

*This is a drawing and reserves all rights. Rules subject to change at anytime. Anybody abusing anything on will be banned immediately. We run a fair and legitimate operation here. Don't be a Jimmy. Thanks for entering.

Check out our previous giveaway

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Fate of Two Worlds Gouki Box Art

139 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Feb 15, 2011

Buy it! 73% - Rent it! 18% - Flush it! 9%

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