Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition Review
By goukijones —
August 22, 2011
Exclusive: hands-on with SF3oe. BatRastered and GoukiJones share their takes on the different screen settings, training modes, tournament brackets & more. Gameplay footage & dialogue from our time with Third Strike. 2 Exclusive videos.
I received a code late Friday afternoon and plugged it in right away. I only have a few moments with the game at that time here are some of my notes. Followed by the rest of what happened with SF3oe over the weekend.
Street Fighter III Online Edition During Embargo
It’s been a long time since I’ve played Street Fighter III and it’s been an even longer time since I’ve played it with a stick. I was terrible with Dudley’s Uppercut Super. My Dudley was PRO once. I played the arcade mode and lost to Makoto and Necro. I fought Necro 3 times and then a gave up. I’m terrible. The graphics are great and the gameplay is the EXACT same, without a doubt this is a sweet game to have for any fighting game fan. That pretty much wraps it up I guess.
The training feature is just like Marvel VS Capcom 3 and I love that. I did a few with Dudley and Hugo, who is also my boy. Some seemed impossible, but after about 45 minutes of doing low roundhouse, half circle back LP, EX Jet Uppercut, into regular jet uppercut juggle. Wow! Cool. This type of training is what made MvC3 so interesting to me at first. Now I love it. Can’t wait to try out the SF3 training mode more later.
Tonight (Saturday) I took the game over to Choke's estate. Choke, BatRastered, FnJimmy, Nififf and Chuck Deez were all there. Put a good few hours into the game tonight as well, just straight up playing versus. Everybody seemed to be loving the 3's. We all agreed that the controls were very tight and it was funny watching people trying to pull off supers. Frustration was all through out the room. Don't be a Jimmy.
BatRastered and I just filmed a video review. We thought, what better way to review the game, then to let you see what we're seeing. An guess what, we're seeing some really cool stuff. The tournament mode is cool. Online?! Double bonus. RANDOM! Holy shit, unPWNeevable there is random is Street Fighter III. Honestly I'm not that hype about that, a feature like that should be obvious. But I know it excites a lot of the Jimmys.
Here's the video
GoukiJones VS BatRastered Exhibition Championship
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Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Aug 23, 2011