Is inFAMOUS 2 the next Uncharted 2?

By goukijones — February 28, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog infamous-2 news uncharted-2-among-thieves video

For reasons unknown inFAMOUS 2 is giving me goose bumps. I did not like inFAMOUS, but the more and more I see of this sequel the more I want to play it.

I'm not usually one to talk up sequels, with some of my favorite games being "dumb down" recently. Bioshock for example was one man against the house of Big Daddys. You had a gun in one hand and the plasmids in the other -you couldn't use both at the same time- you had to strategically play the field. In Bioshock 2, you were a Big Daddy and you could use two weapons at the same time. The hacking? I can't believe they changed the hacking in Bioshock 2, that mini-pipe-flow-game was a solid game in it's own. I really missed that. Fable is another series that seemed to have taken a serious down turn with it's most recent sequel. Although a little more deep in some areas, I did not enjoy Fable III as much as Fable II. Who takes headshots out of their game? Why were the jobs switched from a meter game to a guitar hero esque venture? I didn't do any of the jobs in Fable III.

Then we have the exclusive Sony sequels and they seem to have the opposite effect on me. Uncharted I played, but couldn't get into. I found the controls clunky and the overall experience of the game uninteresting. Uncharted 2 however, changed all that for me and I will tell you it is the best game on PS3. If you haven't played Uncharted 2 and you own a PS3, you are totally missing out on an excellent gaming experience.

When I first saw that amazing gameplay trailer for inFAMOUS 2, I watched it a until my eyes bled giant blue tornados. The on-screen action and effects and damage and chaos, looked amazing. My pants are tingling just thinking about it now. I really want to get my hands on inFAMOUS 2 ASAP. Finally at CES 2011 I got to play inFAMOUS 2 and it was the same demo from the previously released video, which I had seen plenty. I railed that demo in record time, finished it before the Jimmy in the Sony booth got through his little speech about the demo.

Now we have the Duality trailer for inFAMOUS 2 which was just premiered on GT.TV over the weekend and I must say this game continues to impress me. Very clever trailer with the Angel and Devil on the shoulder type theme. Finally showing off the good and evil look for the game. Cole's face seems to take a little damage ala Commander Shepard and he even says that he can't even recognize himself anymore. Obviously the evil route there. Here check out it, it's pretty slick.

inFAMOUS 2 Duality Trailer

Everything is looking like inFAMOUS 2 is going to kick ass over inFAMOUS and that's a good thing for all of us gamers. One downside to all of the recent inFAMOUS 2 news is the game will be released on June 7th, the very same day E3 2011 will begin and the internet will be getting trolled to death with other video game news. My take has always been, games that come out on or around the same days of E3, seem to get over shadowed by news and excitement from from the big show. So good luck to inFAMOUS 2 there.

Also if you didn't know, inFAMOUS 2 continues the new streak in gaming to have an over the top and most, most ridiculous Collector's Edition. The "Hero Edition" comes with a statue, a backpack, tons of other goodies, some exclusive DLC and of course the game. ZOMG.

inFAMOUS 2 Hero Edition

This bad boy set is $99.99 inFAMOUS 2 Hero Edition.

Thanks for reading and please leave your comments. 


inFAMOUS 2 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Jun 7, 2011

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