Community Steet Fighter X Tekken to get 12 more characters on PS Vita

By Arthvader — February 21, 2012
Tags: news psvita street-fighter-x-tekken

you heard that right. check the story for more details. Also, more news concerning the game

It has come to my attention to find out that 12 more characters will be available in the PS Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken ( PS Vita ver. coming out Fall 2012). These characters are:

From the Street Fighter side:

And from the Tekken side:

     Along with the news of the additional characters for the PS Vita Ver. Capcom reminds everyone that the console versions of SF X Tekken will be receiving new features and DLC over the upcoming months (including the said 12 characters). The last thing they mentioned is that the game you buy on March 6 is going to be the only  disk-based version of Street Fighter X Tekken you will need to access these future updates and DLC packs.

     To be honest, from the list of characters that will be out later on as DLC, I'm interested in using Elena and Lars. At least we now know that we won't need to worry about something just like it did with MvC 3. Can't wait for these new characters to come out later on.

What are your thoughts on this situation? Vote, Leave your comments on the bottom, and don't be a Jimmy!


Other Stories done by me:

Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT Gouki Box Art

74 Stories

Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 33% - Flush it! 22%

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Elena is gonna be dope. :)

goukijones rated Street Fighter X Tekken Rent it
Feb 21, 2012 by goukijones


Now that is a cast of fighters from around the world!

Cybuster89 has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 21, 2012 by Cybuster89


Christine Monteiro! for the lack of eddy.

xplux24 has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 21, 2012 by xplux24


Elena will be awesome. She was such a cool character from SFIII.
I guess... I have been... corrected. I was for sure that they would release the Ultimate Super SFxTekken Hyper version in a couple months.
The only question now would be the price of the DLC... they have been pretty bad with that.

Oh wells at least they won't be pulling a "Capcom" this time ^^

(Pulling a Capcom - Releasing a 90 percent finished game to hype up and take money from their most loyal customers and then releasing a slightly new 100 percent game shortly afterwards and getting money from their loyal customers again as well as late customers ^^)

genxsis83 rated Street Fighter X Tekken Flush it
Feb 22, 2012 by genxsis83


xD I'm gonna use that one.

cybuster89 has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 22, 2012 by cybuster89


Please spread the new term ^^ I don't know if anyone else has used it yet ^^

genxsis83 rated Street Fighter X Tekken Flush it
Feb 23, 2012 by genxsis83


How can anyone be that hype for $60 in DLC? Capcom is still getting that re-release money. They are not doing us any favors. Hopefully there will be a character bundle at some point at a discounted price.

sNsKid has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 27, 2012 by sNsKid


Elena...all I want is Elena!

But on ps3 T_T

iorilamia has not rated Street Fighter X Tekken yet.
Feb 28, 2012 by iorilamia

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